Angola condemns occupation of town in North Kivu

The Angolan government has said it noted with concern the occupation, by the Movement 23 (M23) forces, of the Kalembe town, in Walikale territory, North Kivu province, in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) on Sunday.

According to a press release to which ANGOP had access Tuesday, the Angolan government believes that this action represents a flagrant violation of the principles and spirit of the recommendations and decisions of the Ministerial meeting of July 30 this year, and of the agreed ceasefire, which came into force at midnight on August 4.

It therefore ‘strongly repudiates and condemns this hostile act, which jeopardizes the ongoing efforts to find a lasting solution to the conflict in the east of the DRC, and calls on the parties to the conflict to respect the ceasefire, as reiterated by the Ministerial meeting of September 14’.

It recommends avoiding hostile acts that could lead to an escalation of the conflict, aggravating the serious humanitarian situation in the east of the Dem
ocratic Republic of Congo.

The statement reiterates Angola’s commitment to seek a peaceful solution within the framework of the Luanda Process led by president, João Lourenço, Mediator designated by the African Union

Source: Angola Press News Agency